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PA C-PACE August Update

August 26th, 2021

In 2021, the Pennsylvania C-PACE program expanded, covering 58% of the Commonwealth’s population. Seventeen Pennsylvania counties have enabled C-PACE, including four in 2021 as of August: Erie, Delaware, Westmoreland, and Luzerne. In the year since the first C-PACE project closed in Philadelphia last July, over $25 million has been invested in C-PACE energy and water conservation upgrades throughout Pennsylvania.

In addition to events and meetings held for County officials, SEF hosted several C-PACE webinars to provide education about the program. SEF partnered with the Energy Efficiency Alliance (EEA), Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA), and other organizations to provide this education to C-PACE stakeholders. SEF is planning to provide more C-PACE events both virtually and in-person this fall. 

As we head into fall, SEF remains optimistic about the success of C-PACE and is committed to facilitating C-PACE to the remaining 50 counties. To learn more about PA C-PACE, visit www.pennsylvaniacpace.org.